
Assembly sourse code

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Assembly Language Source Codes

Assembler Source Code for emu8086 microprocessor emulator and compatible assemblers (16 bit)
To copy codes to a text editor just press Ctrl+A (simultaneously), then press Ctrl+C and in the editor press Ctrl+V

  • bin2dec.asm

    Input 8 bit binary number and print out its decimal equivalent.

  • Make your own Micro Operating System
    (source with tutorial)

    This is a very basic example of a tiny OS. Your own Operating System that runs from floppy drive - easy!

  • 0_sample_add_huge_numbers.asm

    This example shows how to add huge unpacked BCD numbers

  • 0_sample_vga_graphics.asm

    And this program draws a tiny geometrical figure in VGA mode.

  • 1_sample.asm

    Another "Hello World!" example
    This example prints out "HELLO WORLD!" by writing directly to the video memory.

  • 2_sample.asm

    Simple Add/Subtract

  • 3_sample.asm

    Calculate the sum
    Calculate the sum of elements in V1 array, store result in V2.

  • 4_sample.asm

    How CMP instruction sets the flags.
    Usually CMP instruction is followed by any relative jump instruction such as: JE, JA, JL, JAE... It is recommended to open: "Lexical Flag Analyzer" and "Flags" from emulator's "View" menu before running this code.

  • 5_sample.asm

    Octal, Binary and Decimal
    See how to operate with Octal, Binary and Decimal values.

  • add_two_arrays.asm

    This example calculates the sum of one array with another and saves result in third array. In emu8086 you can see the result in "View" -> "Variables" menu. (set Elements for SEG1, SEG2 and SEG3 to 4 and Show as "SIGNED"). Not only variables but arrays can be seen in memory. It's required to set correct data type (size) and number of elements in that array:

    assembler sum array

  • attrib.asm

    Learn how to set and get file attributes, in other words how to make file Read Only or Hidden.

  • bcd_aaa.asm

    BCD - AAA instruction example - bcd_aaa.asm
    This example shows the use of AAA instruction (ASCII Adjust after Addition). It is used to add huge BCD numbers.

  • bcd_aas.asm

    BCD - AAS instruction example - bcd_aas.asm
    This is an example of AAS instruction, it is used to subtract huge BCD numbers.

  • bintest.asm

    Bin file - bintest.asm
    This is an example of how to make a ".BIN" file.

  • calc.asm

    Simple Calculator - calc.asm
    This sample gets two numbers from the user, calculates the sum of these numbers, and prints it out.

  • Calculator.asm

    Command prompt based simple calculator (+,-,*,/) for 8086.

  • cmpsb.asm

    How to use CMPSB instruction - cmpsb.asm
    This sample shows how to use CMPSB instruction to compare strings.

  • cmpsw.asm

    How to use CMPSW instruction - cmpsw.asm
    This sample shows how to use CMPSW instruction to compare strings.

  • colors.asm

    16x16 color map example - color.asm
    This sample prints 16x16 color map, it uses all possible colors.

  • convert_string_number_to_binary.asm

    This program written in 8086 Assembly Language to convert string value to binary form. When I run this program on emu8086 it proves that '-1234' is actually 0FB2Eh in hexadecimal (or binary: 1111101100101110b). This code supports both positive and negative numbers as input. Based on original (much more complicated) input routine taken from

    Convert string number to binary in assembly language

  • convert_string_to_packed_bcd.asm

    This program uses a subroutine written in 8086 assembly language that can be used for converting a string of number (Max of 4 ASCII digit) to equivalent packed BCD digits. (BCD is "Binary Coded Decimal Numbers"). As seen in emu8086 variables window:

    packed BCD digits

  • convert_to_upper_case.asm

    This is a program in 8086 assembly language that accepts a character string from keyboard input stores it in an array. The program then converts all the lower case characters in the string to upper case. If the string is empty (null), it does not do anything. Done as part of my school assignment.

  • count_chars.asm

    This source code shows how we can count the number of letters in some statment without using string instructions, that means by using the loop and READING ONE CHARACTER in each time of loop ...

  • Count_Key_Presses.asm

    Count number of key presses - Count_Key_Presses.asm
    Counts number of key presses, and stores the result is in BX register. You need to open "User Screen" to type.

  • Custom_Interrupt.asm

    Make your own interrupts - Custom_Interrupt.asm
    This examples shows how to modify Interrupt Vector and create your own custom interrupts.

  • datefile.asm

    This code prints out current date and time and saves it to a file.
    Emulator saves this file to emulated file system.

  • encrypt_subrotine.asm

    Encryption in Assembly Language
    8086 subroutine to encrypt only lower case alphabets of a string using XLAT and also decrypt the same. The main principle behind this algorithm is because tables are precoded manually to decode one another. for example if first table sets letter 'a' to be 'k', the second table does the reverse, it sets letter 'k' to be 'a'... etc.... only lower case letters are encoded (but this program can be improved to convert full abc if required).

  • exetest.asm

    Another "Hello, World!" example - exetest.asm
    "Hello World", this time as an EXE file.

  • factorial.asm

    Factorial - factorial.asm
    This sample gets the number from the user, and calculates factorial for it. Supported input from 0 to 8 inclusive!

  • fahrenheit.asm

    Centigrade (Celsius) to Fahrenheit calculation and vice-versa. - fahrenheit.asm
    Not very accurate, since using integer divide, it may not work for some values as well.... This program has no input/output from the user, so in order to see the result it maybe useful to select "Variables" from "View" menu of the emulator. Another way to see the output is to use PRINT_NUM procedure from "", see "Part 5" in tutorials. (since we get result in AL, you should use CBW instruction before printing out, because PRINT_NUM prints a signed number in AX register).

  • far_call.asm

    Call a procedure from another segment or interrupt.

  • far_call_advanced.asm

    A more detailed example, it's interesting to see what happens with the stack when it runs slowly. If you run it to fast you may not see anything.

  • far_call-2.asm

    A far procedure that prints out "hello" using a very tricky way. It knows where to search for characters because it knows who called it. It gets all the information from the stack.

  • file-operations.asm

    See how file system operates. Open existing file, create file and subdirectory, rename subdirectory, delete file and subdirectory. You can run it in step-by-step mode and explore the virtual file system.

    This little program does some mess by creating subdirectory and file, and then it cleans for itself by deleting everything. If it runs fast you won't even notice a thing. If you stop the program in the middle you shall notice that it writes into C:\emu8086\vdrive\C\test1\ this text "lazy dog jumps over red fox", then it renames the file, creates another files, does some more things, and deletes everything very quickly.

  • float.asm

    Float on 8086! - float.asm
    This program calculates linear equation: ax + b = 0 The result is printed with floating point.
    For example: a = 7, b = 2
    x = -0.28571428....

  • hello.asm

    Yet another, "Hello World" example - hello.asm
    This example prints "Hello, World!" into the screen, char by char using INT 10h.

  • HelloWorld.asm

    Basic "Hello World!" example in Assembly Language
    This example prints out The easiest and the fastest way to print "Hello World!" using DOS INT 21h (still works under Windows XP in Dos prompt).

    Assembler Hello World

  • HexConvertor.asm

    This example converts 2 digit Hex value into numeric value and decimal string representation (so that it can be easily printed if required).

  • include.asm

    How to use lib - include.asm
    This sample shows the correct use of "" library of predefined macros and procedures.

  • int10_13.asm

    Print "Hello world" in color - int10_13.asm
    This is an example of INT 10h / AH=13h function.

  • int21.asm

    example of int 21h functions.

  • keybrd.asm

    Keyboard example - keybrd.asm
    This sample shows the use of keyboard functions. Try typing something to "User Screen". When "step delay" is too long, keyboard buffer is used. Try setting "step delay" to 1, for more realistic emulation. This code will loop until you press ESC key, other keys will be printed.

  • LED_display_test.asm

    This sample shows how to access virtual ports (000F to FFFF). This new technology allows to make external add-on devices for emu8086, such as led displays, thermostat, stepper-motor, etc... "DEVICES" folder contains sample device that works with this sample.

  • loops.asm

    just a few simple loops

  • matrix.asm

    Matrix - matrix.asm
    Matrix transpose sample (reverse rows with columns).

  • micro-os_kernel.asm

    OS Kernel module - micro-os_kernel.asm
    This is a very basic example of a tiny operating system. This is Kernel module! It is assumed that this machine code is loaded by 'micro-os_loader.asm' from floppy drive from: cylinder: 0 sector: 2 head: 0

  • micro-os_loader.asm

    OS loader example - micro-os_loader.asm
    This is a very basic example of a tiny Operating System. This is an OS loader only!

  • mouse.asm

    simple mouse code

  • mouse2.asm

    drawing program

  • no-close.asm

    windows users may need it.

  • pages.asm

    Video buffering example - pages.asm
    This example demonstrates the use of pages (double-buffering). This program uses first 4 pages of video memory by setting some data on them, and waits for any key, pressing any key will show all pages one after another.

  • palindrome.asm

    Palindrome - palindrome.asm
    This sample checks if string is a palindrome.

  • param.asm

    Command line parameters example - param.asm
    This sample prints out the command line parameters. In DOS you simply add this line after an executable: my parameters In emulator you should set them by selecting "Set command line paramters" from "File" menu of emulator window.

  • paramexe.asm

    Command line parameters for EXE file - paramexe.asm
    This sample prints out the command line parameters. In DOS you simply add this line after an executable: paramexe.exe my parameters

  • pixel.asm

    How to show single pixel on screen using assembly language.
    Everything that you see on screen is actually a lot of single dots called pixels, all high level languages and DirectX eventually use this or similar method to draw anything on the screen. 13h video mode is just 320x200 pixels, but it does not require any special graphics card and works on all computers and VGA compatible graphic cards (even the very old ones).

  • print.asm

    Cool Print Method - print.asm
    This sample shows how to print string defined just after the CALL instruction without using '' library.

  • print_al.asm

    the code prints out a decimal value out of AL

  • print_char_by_char.asm

    the code prints out as many chars from top to bottom as you enter from left to right.

  • print_hex_digit.asm

    Print HEX digit - print_hex_digit.asm
    This sample prints out a hex value of DL register.

  • PrinterDemo.asm

    Printer Demo - PrinterDemo.asm
    PrinterDemo.asm - Andrew Nelis. Simple demonstration of the printer.

  • reverse.asm

    8086 assembly language program to reverse a string.

  • robot.asm

    Robot example - robot.asm
    This is an example of controlling the robot attached to a computer. This code randomly moves the robot and makes it to switch on/off the lamps. Keep in mind that robot is a mechanical creature and it takes some time for it to complete a task.

  • scasb.asm

    SCASB example - scasb.asm
    This sample shows how to use SCASB instruction to find a symbol.

  • scasw.asm

    SCASW example - scasw.asm
    This sample shows how to use SCASW instruction to find a WORD (2 bytes).

  • scroll.asm

    Scroll Example - scroll.asm
    This example shows the used of scrolling functions. It prints some test strings, and scrolls up/down the window at (1,1)-(8,5).

  • simple_io.asm

    Simple I/O - simple_io.asm
    This sample shows how to access virtual ports (00000Fh to 0FFFFh).

  • simplest.asm

    Demonstration of a virtual device in assembly language.

  • snake.asm

    Snake game in Assembler - snake.asm
    This is the snake game... It's better to set the "step delay" to "0" before running, it requires fast processing. You can control the snake using arrow keys on your keyboard. All other keys will stop the snake. Press ESC to exit.

  • sort.asm

    Simple Sort - sort.asm
    This program inputs 3 numbers and sorts them from largest to smallest.

  • stack.asm

    Stack - stack.asm
    This sample shows how the stack works. Click "Stack" button in emulator to see the contents of the stack.

  • stepper_motor.asm

    Stepper Motor - stepper_motor.asm
    This is a sample of OUT instruction. It writes values to virtual I/O port that controls the stepper-motor. Try using datCCW, datCW_FS or datCCW_FS instead of datCW to get different behavior of the motor.

  • string.asm

    Input and output string - string.asm
    This sample shows the use of input and output string functions of

  • thermometer.asm

    Temperature Control - This short program for emu8086 shows how to keep constant temperature using heater and thermometer (between 60 F to 80 F), it is assumed that air temperature is lower 60 F. the emulator is required to run this example.

  • timer.asm

    Timer - timer.asm>
    This sample shows the use of a timer function (INT 15h / 86h) This code prints some chars with 1 second delay.

  • ToBin.asm

    Convert to bin - ToBin.asm
    This program inputs a decimal number and prints out its binary equivalent. Convertion is done by CONVERT_TO_BIN procedure, all other stuff is just for input/output.

  • traffic_lights.asm

    Traffic Lights Intersection - traffic_lights.asm
    This is a sample of OUT instruction. It writes values to virtual I/O port of Traffic Lights Intersection, by setting bits we can turn all the lights on and off.

  • traffic_lights2.asm

    Semaphores.... demonstration of turning the lights only. Unlike the previous example this code is the cause of far more traffic accidents.

  • writebin.asm

    A very handy code that can be assembled into a very tiny utility to make floppy boot records and tiny operating systems.


    This file is an open source include library that allows to print and input strings and numbers using simple predefined macro functions for 8086 assembler. Procedures to input and output numeric values and strings, clear screen. All macros and procedures avoid using MS-DOS interrupts (it is useful for designing your own independent operating systems).

  • fasm_compatibility.asm

    Compatibility issues of MASM/TASM (emu8086) and FASM assembler syntax.

    Anonymous said...

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    The snake source code is not working...
    i managed to fix few errors but cant fix the rest...
    so if any one have a full working code it will be good to have!

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